L O R I  H E H R  P U B L I C  R E L A T I O N S

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Pray For Brain
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World/prog/funk band Pray for Brain teams up with former King Crimson member Trey Gunn’s 7d Media; Band's debut CD None of the Above to be released Spring 2014

7D Media will release the debut CD None Of The Above by the world music/jazz/prog/funk group Pray For Brain, group guitarist Mustafa Stefan Dill and label founder Trey Gunn said this week.

Pray For Brain is not your auntie's world music band, nor your uncle's country twang, nor your grandad's jazz vinyl: think 70s era Miles Davis, Chet Atkins and late Coltrane playing with the White Stripes and Isaac Hayes on a Calcutta rooftop with a bird's eye view to Morocco. Johnny Cash and Bengali icon Rabrindranath Tagore may sit in, too.

Pray For Brain is an evolution of Sama Duo, where Mustafa Stefan Dill (guitars, oud) and Jefferson Voorhees (drums) brought a telepathic level of interplay to their groove-oriented energetic improvisations, delivered with a gutsy south Asian and Middle Eastern twist.

One fan wrote, "I love Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Indian classical music and Zeppelin and improv jazz, and your music was hitting all of those buttons in my brain at once."


Albuquerque's Weekly Alibi called them "catchy, challenging, spacey and spiritual all at the same time."

With the addition of upright bassist Christine Nelson and retooled as Pray For Brain, the new trio expands the range of groove, nuance and improvising conversations. The music is simultaneously lighter but deeper, easier to hear and harder to shake off.

The band's eclecticism prompted the title None Of the Above for the upcoming CD.

Founded by former King Crimson member Trey Gunn, the 7d Media label distributes and promotes a select group of progressive artists from around the world, including works by Gunn, The Crimson ProjeKCt, Matte Henderson, Pat Mastelotto, Tony Levin, KTU, Under The Psycamore, Quodia, TU, Stick Men and others.

"I am very happy to have encountered this music and we are psyched to have Pray For Brain joining the 7d family," said Gunn.

"We're excited  - and very honored -- to be a part of the 7d Media community of artists," Dill said. "This is a great fit for us, and I'm looking forward to working with Trey and the label on the project.  It's a perfect home for what we do."

Pray For Brain's improv-driven mix of prog rock, jazz and funk steeped in Indian and Middle Eastern musical vocabularies -- as well as over 5,000 Facebook fans of the band in Rooh Media Pvt Ltd's distribution territory -- also drew the attention of Calcutta-based Rooh Media Pvt Ltd's music division, Rooh Music, who will be co-distributing the release in India, Bangladesh and Malaysia.

"I personally love how they write and how they approach the music," said Mainak "Bumpy" Nag Chowdhury of Rooh Media Pvt Ltd and Rooh Music. "This will be a privilege!"

Rooh Media Pvt Ltd works with a number of cutting-edge artists from India and around the world across a wide variety of genres, including fusion, metal, rock, pop, jazz and traditional Indian music. Its artist roster includes such acts as Kendraka, Matthias Mueller, Sanchita Roy, Arnab Bhattacharya, and others.

Pray For Brain played their inaugural performance in April 2012 in Santa Fe.  The show generated a full house, area buzz, and fans posting on music boards:

"Think Dick Dale, stoned, playing bhajans with Johnny Cash and Nass el Ghiwan jumping in every so often. After the second piece, I just let go, rolled off the log, and loved every minute of it. And yes, that Gretsch sounded like chimes. Not the cliche chimes, not 'oh, that guitar has a chimey sound,' but like real, sure as shootin' chimes that will set your chakras wheeling. I love live music. This was a gas! ," wrote one fan on the Gretsch guitar forums.

The band continues to perform throughout New Mexico and recently returned to the Outpost in Santa Fe during June 2013 for a pre-CD release show.

Related press for the concert included:



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For more information, please contact:

Lori Hehr


